420 Main Street, Route 1A, Walpole, Massachusetts 02081
508-668-3300                          abbott@FenichelLaw.com

Legal Services

Representation of injured plaintiffs in all types of personal injury claims, including but not limited to motor vehicle accidents, motorcycle, bus, train and bicycle accidents, Wrongful death cases, and claims involving dog bites, slip/trip and fall, premises liability, food poisoning, supermarket negligence, negligent supervision, negligent security, dram shop, liquor liability and negligent service of alcohol, injuries to minors, and numerous other causes of action.


A sample of settlements achieved by Attorney Fenichel are reported in our Settlements section.
  Attorney Profile

Former Middlesex County Assistant District Attorney and Norfolk County Special Prosecutor with over 30 years of experience representing injured plaintiffs in thousands of Personal Injury Cases.

Experienced trial lawyer in Superior Courts, District Courts and Arbitrations throughout Massachusetts.

Contact us to request more information about the experience and expertise of Attorney Fenichel
and how he can obtain the compensation that you deserve.

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